Here it is, the final movement from Gershwin’s Concerto in F! It is every bit as exciting and rapturous as the first two movements, so you won’t want to miss it.
Cole Anderson
Hello, my name is Cole. I've been playing the piano for most of my life, and I love sharing my passion for music and the piano with all music lovers.
Chopin “Farewell Waltz”
Is Beethoven’s Für Elise overrated?
Schubert Impromptu in G-flat Major D.899 no.3
Gershwin Concerto in F 3rd mvt “Toccata”
Gershwin Concerto in F 2nd mvt (Blues)
Scarlatti Sonatas K.380/531
Gershwin Concerto in F (1st mvt)
Bach: Prelude and Fugue in C minor (WTC Bk.1) “What is Well-Temperament anyway?”
Two side by side performances of Bach’s C minor Prelude and Fugue, demonstrating the differences between Equal Temperament and a kind of Well Temperament that Bach could have used.
Is classical music elitist?
A short reply to TwoSetViolin’s post on the same topic.